نجوم مصرية
منتديات نجوم مصرية منتدى الأعضاء الاقتراحات

تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

عاوز حد يترجملى دة .ضرورى


دة ممكن انك تعرض اعلانات الفديدو بتاعتك فى فى اليوتيوب على حد علمى فاعاوز حد يترجملة عشان نعرف ومحدش يترجملى من جوجل للترجمة لانى ترجمت فيه مش عاوزين فقاقة وشكرا


AdSense for video program policies

AdSense for video allows publishers with video content to earn revenue using relevant, non-intrusive ad placements from Google's extensive advertiser network. If you'd like to insert Google ads into your video streams, you must comply with the AdSense for video Terms and Conditions, the policies below, and the standard AdSense program policies.
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

At this time, AdSense for video may only be implemented for pages and videos that are in English and that receive primarily U.S. traffic.
Player Requirements

To request and display Google ads, video players must fulfill the following basic requirements:
  • Players must be Flash version 7 or above.
  • Players must always maintain an aspect ratio of 4:3 or 16:9.
  • Players must have a playable area no smaller than 320 x 240 pixels in size.
    • However, players displaying only video ad units must have a playable area no smaller than 200 x 200 pixels in size.
Video Requirements

  • Content Length: Content clips must adhere to the following minimum length requirements:
    • Overlay ads: The content clip must be 30 seconds in length or longer to show overlay ads.
    • Fullscreen endcap ads: The content clip must be 15 seconds in length or longer to show fullscreen endcap ads.
    • Video ads: The content clip must be 1 minute in length or longer to show a single video ad. To show more than 1 video ad in a content clip, there must be 2 additional minutes of content for each additional video ad.
  • Video Content: Publishers using AdSense for video may only place Google ads in videos that adhere to our content guidelines. Some of these guidelines are highlighted below. Please see the AdSense program policies for the complete list of content guidelines. Please note that all pages with video players using AdSense for video must also comply with these content guidelines. If your video player is embeddable, you must make every effort possible to ensure that pages where the video will display are also in compliance with the program policies. Videos displaying Google ads may not include:
    • Pornography, adult, or mature content
    • Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others
    • Violent content, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization
    • Content protected by copyright law, unless the content provider has the necessary legal rights to display that content. Please see our DMCA policy for more information.
  • Video Descriptions and Metadata:
    • High quality and accurate metadata, via an RSS feed, or a video description URL must be provided and maintained for all videos monetized through AdSense for video.
    • Each video file (FLV) must have its own unique and static URL.
    • All parameters passed to Google at the time of the ad request must be accurate.
Ad and Video Player Behavior

Code provided to you through the AdSense program may not be altered, nor may the standard ad behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads be manipulated, in any way that is not explicitly permitted by Google.
  • If an ad request is made and returned, the ad must always be displayed, unless a user abandons the video before the ad is displayed.
  • Ads may not be hard-coded into your video player or video stream.
  • Ad banners and images may not be used as the template background for your video player.
  • Your video player must accommodate all appropriate types of user interaction with Google ads. For instance, all clickable links within an ad must remain clickable.
  • Publishers may not obscure, hide, or remove any elements of the ad unit under any circumstances. Conversely, ads must not be placed in close proximity to or obstruct in any way your video player controls (play, pause, volume, etc.).
  • If your video player automatically plays when the page is loaded, the player needs to be placed above the fold of the page (800x600 pixels from the top left corner of the page).
  • Publishers may not alter the implementation of the video ad units so that they are muted.
  • Video playlists or loops set to automatically play may only serve video ads with every 5th video.
Ads Served

AdSense for video offers several ad formats and we encourage publishers to experiment with a variety of placements in your video player, provided that you respect the policies listed below. Please note that these policies also apply to any third party ads you choose to display in players with Google ads.
Ad Mixing Guidelines:

Publishers may mix AFV ads and ads from another network in the same stream, with the following restrictions:
  • Only one ad may be displayed within the video player at any given time.
  • Once an AFV ad has been requested, it must be displayed until:
    • The ad itself finishes playing
    • The content video ends
    • The user skips or closes the ad
    • The user navigates away from the video
Ad Format-Specific Guidelines:

  • Overlay ads:
    • Overlay ads may start at any time in the video stream, though beginning at ten seconds is recommended. The ad must have at least 20 seconds of display time.
  • Fullscreen endcap ads:
    • Fullscreen endcap ads must be the last item shown at the end of a video and must persist in the player until the user navigates away from the video.
  • Video ads:
    • Pre-roll and mid-roll video ads must persist in the player until the ad finishes playing or the user clicks the skip button.
    • Post-roll video ads must be the last item shown at the end of a video and must persist in the player until the ad finishes playing, the user clicks the skip button, or the user navigates away from the video.
  • Companion ads:
    • Publishers must place AdSense for video companion ads close enough to their corresponding videos that users can easily associate them.

المقال "عاوز حد يترجملى دة .ضرورى" نشر بواسطة: بتاريخ:
بص يباشا الموضوع من الاخر مش هينفع لينا احنا العرب ،الا اذا كان الفديو بتاعك على اليوتيوب لية تراقيك عالى ( اكتر من 100 الف ) من امريكا او دول اجنبية عموما

لية واحد صاحبى ، اليوتيوب عرضت علية 100$ عشان يحطوا اعلان فى الفديو بتاعة ، عشان كل زوارة من امريكا خصوصا

فعلا شرط اساسي تكون الزيارات من امريكا
يعنى الترافيك يكون من امريكا
واحنا معظم الترافيك جاي من شبلنجة
Dr! Ahmed
سهلة اوى احط فيديهوات امريكية واجنبية واشترك فى منتدى امريكى واعرض مواضيعى
سهلة اوى احط فيديهوات امريكية واجنبية واشترك فى منتدى امريكى واعرض مواضيعى

انا لو أعرف اجيب 100,000 زيارة من أمريكا انا كنت هبقى اغنى واحد فى المنتدى ...
انت بتتتلكم فى اية.

صعب جدا يااخى ..
الحل الوحيد تشوف حاجة عليها بحث من امريكا وترفعها على اليوتيوب وبعد شهر او اتنين ممكن تعمل 100,000 مشاااهدة
Dr! Ahmed
انا جبت 25 زيارة من امريكا فى نص ساعة ومن فديدو واحد ,,,,,,,,,,,سهلة جدا بس عاوزة مجهود شهر ولاة اتنين

وصورة تبين زيارتى من امريكا وليس اى بلد بلد اوربيه استهدفت امريكا فقط ولى شرح اخر ان شاء الله فى موضوع منفصل

*حسناء *
انت محتاج للنص بالعربي ........اذا كنت تحتاجه بالعربي ساترجمه لك

اسم العضو:
سؤال عشوائي يجب الاجابة عليه


رابط دائم

مواضيع مشابهة:
كنت عاوز اعمل موقع vb وكنت عاوز استفسر عن شركة كويسة
اخر خبر موقع لوزكرزز رجع تانى الى عاوز لاب توب واللى عاوز موبيلات وبلاستشن مجانا يخش 2010
عاوز انا عاوز ارجع الموقع عادي فى جودادي معمولوا adsense for domains

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