نجوم مصرية
منتديات نجوم مصرية منتدى المدونين واصحاب المواقع منتدى لغات البرمجة

تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

كود rsa اتمنى تساعدوني فيه ضروري


السلام عليكم اساتذتي المبرمجين ..
كيفكم ..
لو سمحتوا اخواني عندي كود وابغى احد يشرحلي هوا ويشرحلي ايش عمله بالضبط ضروري اليوم
عشان بكره راح انسال فيه
الكود عن RSA

اتمنى تساعدوني فيه ويعطيكم الف عافيه ياارب ..

using namespace std;
int menu();
string getkey();
string keyboardinput();
string Create_Matrix(string);
string encrypt(string, string);
string decrypt(string, string);
string format(string);
string inputfile();
int outputmethod();
void outputfile(string);
void Print_Matrix(string);
int main()
/******* Variable Declarations ***************** Purpose: Declare variables for main function
Initialize all variables
int choice = 0; string filename; string key;
int method = 0; string plaintext = ""; string ciphertext = ""; string matrix = "";
while (choice != 6)
choice = menu();
case 1:
key = getkey();
matrix = Create_Matrix(key);
plaintext = keyboardinput();
plaintext = format(plaintext);
ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, matrix);
method = outputmethod();
if (method == 1)
cout<<"Ciphertext: "<<ciphertext<<endl;
else if (method == 2)
cout<<"invalid choice"<<endl;
/**** Encrypt from a File ***********************
input: Input from plain.txt
case 2:
key = getkey();
matrix = Create_Matrix(key);
plaintext = inputfile();
plaintext = format(plaintext);
ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext,
matrix);//Submit data to encryption function method = outputmethod();
if (method == 1)
cout<<"Ciphertext: "<<ciphertext<<endl;
else if (method == 2)
cout<<"invalid choice"<<endl;
/**** Decrypt from the Keyboard ****************/
case 3:
key = getkey();
matrix = Create_Matrix(key);
ciphertext = keyboardinput();
method = outputmethod();
if (method == 1)
cout<<"The original message: "<<plaintext<<endl;
else if (method == 2)
cout<<"invalid choice"<<endl;
/**** Decrypt from a File ***********************
input: Input from cipher.txt
case 4:
key = getkey();
matrix = Create_Matrix(key);
ciphertext = inputfile();
plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext, matrix);//Submit data to Decryption function method = outputmethod();
if (method == 1)
cout<<"The original message: "<<plaintext<<endl;
else if (method == 2)
cout<<"invalid choice"<<endl;
/**** Print the 5x5 Matrix ****************/
case 5:
/**** Exit Program *****/
case 6:
exit (0);
cout<<"Your choice is invalid, please try again"<<endl;
return 0;
/************ getkey Function ***************** Purpose: Gets a key from the user
return: String containining the key
string getkey()
char tempkey[100];
cout<<"please input the key"<<endl;
cin>> tempkey;
return tempkey;
/************ Keyboardinput Function ***************** Purpose: Gets input from the Keyboard
return: String containing keyboard input
string keyboardinput()
string temptext;
cout<<"Write the message"<<endl;
cin.ignore(); //bug fix for getline function
getline(cin,temptext); //Get text from user
 return temptext;
/************ Create_Matrix Function ***************** Purpose: Creates a matrix based off the keyword
Input: String with keyword
return: String containing a logical matrix of 25
string Create_Matrix(string keyword)
char array[24];
int i = 0;
int k = 0;
int value = 0;
int count = 0;
bool unique = true;
int len = keyword.length();
int run = 1;
/*** Change all j's into i's *****/
for (int tmp = 0; tmp < len; tmp++)
if (keyword[tmp] == 'j')
keyword[tmp] = 'i';
for (run = 0; run < len; run++) //run loop once for each letter of key
for (k = 0; k < run; k++)
if (keyword[run] == keyword[k])
unique = false;
if (unique == true) //Letter has not been used in table
unique = true;
array[i] = keyword[run]; //give the location the correct ascii value i++;//increment matrix since it has been filled
/*** put the rest of the characters in **/
while (count < 26)
for (k = 0; k < len; k++)
if (value == keyword[k] - 97)
unique = false;
if (unique == true) //Letter has not been used in table
if (value != 9) //not j since it is being bunched with i
array[i] = 97 + value; //give the location the correct ascii value i++;//increment matrix since it has been filled
k = 0;
unique = true;
return array;
/************ Print_Matrix Function ***************** Purpose: Prints a visual matrix
Input: String containing the matrix return: No return
void Print_Matrix(string matrix)
cout<<"The Current Matrix"<<endl;
cout<<"------------------"<<endl; cout<<" "<<endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 25; j++)
cout<<matrix[j]<<matrix[j + 1]<< matrix[j + 2]<< matrix[j + 3]<< matrix[j + 4]<< endl;
j = j + 4;
cout<<"In Continuous Form"<<endl;
/************ Encrypt Function *****************
------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Encrypt string using matrix Input: String with plaintext, string matrix return: ciphertext in a string
string encrypt(string plain, string matrix)
string ciphertxt = plain;
int loc[2];
int row[2];
int col[2];
int shift = 0;
int original_row = 0;
int m, n = 0;
cout<<"Plaintext arrival: " <<plain<<endl;
int textlen = plain.length();
for (n = 0; n < textlen; n = n + 2) //run half the length (diagrams)
//Assign letters to their locations in matrix
for (int temp = 0; temp < 26; temp++)
if (plain[n] == matrix[temp])
loc[0] = temp; //location of the first letter in pair
if (plain[n+1] == matrix[temp])
loc[1] = temp; //location of the second letter in pair
/* Find Row and Column Numbers */
for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++)
if (loc[m] < 5 ) // Location second row
row[m] = 1;
else if (loc[m] > 4 && loc[m] < 10) // Location second row
row[m] = 2;
else if (loc[m] > 9 && loc[m] < 15 ) // Location third row
row[m] = 3;
else if (loc[m] > 14 && loc[m] < 20) // Location fourth row
row[m] = 4;
else // Location fifth row
row[m] = 5;
if (loc[m] == 0 || loc[m] == 5 || loc[m] == 10 || loc[m] == 15 || loc[m] == 20)
// Location first column col[m] = 1;
else if (loc[m] == 1 || loc[m] == 6 || loc[m] == 11 || loc[m] == 16 || loc[m] == 21)
// Location second column col[m] = 2;
else if (loc[m] == 2 || loc[m] == 7 || loc[m] == 12 || loc[m] == 17 || loc[m] == 22)
// Location third column col[m] = 3;
else if (loc[m] == 3 || loc[m] == 8 || loc[m] == 13 || loc[m] == 18 || loc[m] == 23)
// Location fourth column col[m] = 4;
// Location fifth column col[m] = 5;
//Start that encryption and shifting :-)
if (row[0] == row[1] || col[0] == col[1]) //same row or same column: special case
if (row[0] == row[1]) //same row
original_row = row[0]; //sets a baseline for starting row loc[0] = (loc[0] + 1);
loc[1] = (loc[1] + 1);
/* Find Row after shift */
for (m = 0; m < 2; m++)
if (loc[m] < 5 )
row[m] = 1;
else if (loc[m] > 4 && loc[m] < 10)
row[m] = 2;
else if (loc[m] > 9 && loc[m] < 15 )
row[m] = 3;
else if (loc[m] > 14 && loc[m] < 20)
row[m] = 4;
row[m] = 5;
if (row[0] != original_row)
loc[0] = loc[0] - 5;
if (row[1] != original_row)
loc[1] = loc[1] - 5;
ciphertxt[n] = matrix[loc[0]]; //assign the resultant location to be cipher char ciphertxt[n+1] = matrix[loc[1]];
ciphertxt[n] = ciphertxt[n] - 32;//convert lowercase to uppercase ciphertxt[n+1] = ciphertxt[n+1] - 32; //convert lower to Uppercase
if (col[0] == col[1]) //same column
loc[0] = (loc[0] + 5) ;
loc[1] = (loc[1] + 5) ;
if (loc[0] > 24)
loc[0] = loc[0] - 25;
if (loc[1] > 24)
loc[1] = loc[1] - 25;
ciphertxt[n] = matrix[loc[0]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char ciphertxt[n+1] = matrix[loc[1]];
ciphertxt[n] = ciphertxt[n] - 32;//convert lowercase to uppercase ciphertxt[n+1] = ciphertxt[n+1] - 32; //convert lowercase to uppercase
else if (col[0] < col[1]) //if the second letter has a higher column
shift = abs(col[0] - col[1]); //col difference between char 1 - char 2 loc[0] = loc[0] + shift;//location point right after shift
loc[1] = loc[1] - shift;
ciphertxt[n] = matrix[loc[0]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char ciphertxt[n+1] = matrix[loc[1]];
ciphertxt[n] = ciphertxt[n] - 32;//convert lowercase to uppercase ciphertxt[n+1] = ciphertxt[n+1] - 32; //convert lowercase to uppercase
else if (col[0] > col[1]) //if the first letter has a higher column
shift = (col[0] - col[1]); //col difference between char 1 - char 2 loc[0] = loc[0] - shift;//location point right after shift
return ciphertxt;
loc[1] = loc[1] + shift; ciphertxt[n] = matrix[loc[0]]; ciphertxt[n+1] = matrix[loc[1]];
ciphertxt[n] = ciphertxt[n] - 32;//convert lowercase to uppercase
ciphertxt[n+1] = ciphertxt[n+1] - 32; //convert lowercase to uppercase
/************ Decrypt Function *****************
------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Decrypt string using matrix
Input: String with ciphertext, string matrix return: Plaintext in a string
string decrypt(string cipher, string matrix )
string plain = cipher;
int loc[2]; int row[2]; int col[2];
int shift = 0;
int original_row = 0;
int n = 0;
int m = 0;
int textlen = cipher.length();
for (n = 0; n < textlen; n = n + 2) //run half the length
loc[0] = 0;
loc[1] = 0;
plain[n] = plain[n] + 32;//convert from upper to lowercase
plain[n+1] = plain[n+1] + 32; //convert from upper to lowercase
//Assign letters to their locations in matrix
for (int temp = 0; temp < 26; temp++)
if (plain[n] == matrix[temp])
loc[0] = temp; //location of the first letter in pair
if (plain[n+1] == matrix[temp])
loc[1] = temp; //location of the second letter in pair
/* Find Row and Column Numbers */
for (m = 0; m < 2; m++)
if (loc[m] < 5 ) // Location second row
row[m] = 1;
else if (loc[m] > 4 && loc[m] < 10) // Location second row
row[m] = 2;
else if (loc[m] > 9 && loc[m] < 15 ) // Location third row
row[m] = 3;
else if (loc[m] > 14 && loc[m] < 20) // Location fourth row
row[m] = 4;
else // Location fifth row
row[m] = 5;
//GET column Locations
if (loc[m] == 0 || loc[m] == 5 || loc[m] == 10 || loc[m] == 15 || loc[m] == 20)
// Location first column col[m] = 1;
else if (loc[m] == 1 || loc[m] == 6 || loc[m] == 11 || loc[m] == 16 || loc[m] == 21)
// Location second column col[m] = 2;
else if (loc[m] == 2 || loc[m] == 7 || loc[m] == 12 || loc[m] == 17 || loc[m] == 22)
// Location third column col[m] = 3;
else if (loc[m] == 3 || loc[m] == 8 || loc[m] == 13 || loc[m] == 18 || loc[m] == 23)
// Location fourth column col[m] = 4;
// Location fifth column col[m] = 5;
//Start that encryption and shifting :-)
if (row[0] == row[1] || col[0] == col[1])
//same row or same column: special case if (row[0] == row[1])
//same row
original_row = row[0]; //sets a baseline for starting row loc[0] = (loc[0] - 1);
loc[1] = (loc[1] - 1);
// Find Row after shift for (m = 0; m < 2; m++)
if (loc[m] < 5 )
row[m] = 1;
else if (loc[m] > 4 && loc[m] < 10)
row[m] = 2;
else if (loc[m] > 9 && loc[m] < 15 )
row[m] = 3;
else if (loc[m] > 14 && loc[m] < 20)
row[m] = 4;
row[m] = 5;
if (row[0] != original_row || loc[0] < 0)
loc[0] = loc[0] + 5;
if (row[1] != original_row || loc[1] < 0)
loc[1] = loc[1] + 5;
plain[n] = matrix[loc[0]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char plain[n+1] = matrix[loc[1]];
} //ends if row = row...moves along to column else if (col[0] == col[1]) //same column
if (loc[0] > loc[1]) //account for upper rollover
loc[0] = (loc[0] - 5) ; loc[1] = (loc[1] - 5) ; if (loc[1] < 0)
loc[1] = (loc[1] + 25) ;
else if (loc[0] < loc[1] && loc[0] < 4) //account for lower rollover
loc[0] = (loc[0] + 5) ; //Inverse of encryption shift loc[1] = (loc[1] - 5) ; //Inverse of encryption shift
if (loc[1] - loc[0] == 20) //account for adjacent column special case
loc[0] = loc[0] + 20; //Inverse of encryption shift loc[1] = (loc[1] - 5) ; //Inverse of encryption shift
else //normal cases
loc[0] = (loc[0] - 5) ; //Inverse of encryption shift loc[1] = (loc[1] - 5) ; //Inverse of encryption shift if (loc[0] > 24)
loc[0] = loc[0] - 25; //account for wraparound
if (loc[1] > 24)
loc[1] = loc[1] - 25; //account for wraparound
plain[n] = matrix[loc[0]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char plain[n+1] = matrix[loc[1]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char
else if (col[0] < col[1]) //if the second letter has a higher column
shift = abs(col[0] - col[1]);//col difference between char 1 - char 2 loc[0] = loc[0] + shift;//location point right after shift
loc[1] = loc[1] - shift;//location point right after shift
plain[n] = matrix[loc[0]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char plain[n+1] = matrix[loc[1]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char
else if (col[0] > col[1]) //if the first letter has a higher column
shift = (col[0] - col[1]); //col difference between char 1 - char 2 loc[0] = loc[0] - shift;//location point right after shift
loc[1] = loc[1] + shift;//location point right after shift
plain[n] = matrix[loc[0]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char plain[n+1] = matrix[loc[1]]; //assign the result location to be cipher char
return plain;
/***************** Format ************************ Purpose: To format the plaintext for encryption
string format(string text)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int len = 0;
len = text.length();
/*** Change all j's into i's *****/
for (int tmp = 0; tmp < len; tmp++)
if (text[tmp] == 'j')
text[tmp] = 'i';
if (len % 2 == 0)
cout<<"plaintext is even"<<endl;
cout<< "plaintext is odd"<<endl;
text = text + "x"; //add x as a filler to the end
len = text.length();
/*** Assign 'x' to letters that repeat in a diagram ***/
for (i = 0; i < len; i = i + 2) //run for half of string length
if (text[i+1] == text[i]) //if char = previous char
text = text + " ";//increase length len = text.length();
for (j = len -1; j > i; j--) //j starts a top len, will run till it hits i
text[j] = text[j-1]; //last letter = previous letter
text[i + 1] = 'x';
else //not a repeat character, move along
return text;
/***************** outputmethod ************************ Purpose: determines how to output results
int outputmethod()
int method;
cout<<"What output method do you want?"<<endl;
cout<<"1. Output to monitor"<<endl;
cout<<"2. Output to file"<<endl;
cin >> method; system("CLS"); return method;
/***************** outputfile ************************ Purpose: To print data to file
void outputfile(string info)
ofstream outfile; string filename; int i = 0;
cout<<"Please enter filename for output (ex C://plain.txt)"<<endl;
cin>> filename; outfile.open(filename.c_str(), ios :: out); if ( !outfile )
cout << "PROBLEM! " << endl;
if (outfile.is_open())
outfile << info;
/***************** Input File ************************ Purpose: To get input file and pull in data
string inputfile()
ifstream Inputfile;
string text; string filename; int i = 0;
cout<<"Please enter filename for input (ex C://plain.txt)"<<endl;
cin>> filename; Inputfile.open(filename.c_str(), ios :: in); if ( !Inputfile )
cout << "PROBLEM! " << endl;
return 0;
while ( Inputfile )
} Inputfile.close();
Inputfile >> text;
return text;
//same old menu
int menu()
int menuselect;
cout<<"|*The Playfair Cipher* |"<<endl;
cout<<"| |"<<endl;
cout<<"| Please Make a Selection |"<<endl;
cout<<"| |"<<endl;
cout<<"| |"<<endl;
cout<<"| Encryption Functions |"<<endl;
cout<<"| 1: Encrypt the message (Keyboard source)|"<<endl; cout<<"| 2: Encrypt the message (File source) |"<<endl; cout<<"| 3: Decrypt the message (Keyboard source)|"<<endl; cout<<"| 4: Decrypt the message (File source) |"<<endl; cout<<"| |"<<endl;
cout<<"| Extras |"<<endl;
cout<<"| 5. View Matrix|"<<endl;
cout<<"| |"<<endl;
cout<<"| Exit |"<<endl;
cout<<"| 6. Quit|"<<endl;
cin>> menuselect;
return menuselect;

المقال "كود rsa اتمنى تساعدوني فيه ضروري" نشر بواسطة: بتاريخ:

اسم العضو:
سؤال عشوائي يجب الاجابة عليه


رابط دائم

مواضيع مشابهة:
ماذا لو ؟؟ حلم اتمنى ان يتحقق فى مباراة مصر والجزائر اتمنى ان ارى ارائكم
بدي تساعدوني انا محتاره

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