نجوم مصرية
منتديات نجوم مصرية منتديات شباب وبنات اغاني - كلمات الاغاني كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية Lyrics

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كلمات اغنية real love


Real Love
Girl)Girl, im going out of my mind(mind)
and even though i dont really know you(you)
and plus im feeling im running out of time
im waiting for the moment i can show you(show you)
and baby girl i want u to know, im watching you go ,im watching you pass me by

its real love that that you dont know about...

Baby i was there all alone.. when you'd be doing things i would watch you
i'd picture you and me all alone .. im wishing you was someone i can talk to
i gotta get you out of my head but baby girl i gotta see you once again(again)

its real love that you dont know about..
its real love that that you dont know about...

Every now and now i go to sleep, i couldn't dreaming about you
your love is got me feeling kinda weak.. i really cant see me without you
and now u're running around in my head im never gonna let you slip away again(again)

its real love that that you dont know about...

Every now and then when i watch you... i wish that i could tell you that i want you
if i can have the chance to talk with to you.. if i get up the chance to walk with you
then i would holding it in ..and never have to go through this again (again)

its real love that you dont know about..
its real love that that you dont know about...

Today when i saw you alone... i knew had to come up and approach you
coz girl i really gotta let you know ...all about the things you made me go through
and now she looking at me in the eye and now you get me open and now you dreaming

its real love that that you dont know about...

Every now and then when i watch you... i wish that i could tell you that i want you
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

if i can have the chance to talk to with you.. if i get up the chance to walk with you
then i would holding it in and never have to go through this again (again)

its real love that you dont know about..
its real love that you dont know about..

You're the one that i wanna know thatti can take it from me nononoo
even thought i dont really know you.. i gotta lotta love i wanna show you
and youd be right there infront of me.. i see you passing infront of me nonono
girl i need ur love ...baby i need ur love

المقال "كلمات اغنية real love" نشر بواسطة: بتاريخ:
hamdy basha
اغنيتى المفضلة

يمكن احسن اغنية سمعتها
mostafa madyan
مشكور لمرورك الكريم ويا ريت تكون دي مش اخر مرة اشوف فيها تعليقاتك
جزائرية وبنت رجال الخضرا
حلوة كتير
خصوصا انها صعبة الحفظ
أسير الغرام
مرسي ليك وياريت تجيب جميع كلمات اغاني مساري
mostafa madyan
حلوة كتير
خصوصا انها صعبة الحفظ

هههههههههههه مشكور لمرورك اللي اسعدني
mostafa madyan
مرسي ليك وياريت تجيب جميع كلمات اغاني مساري

مشكور لمرورك الكريم وانت بس قول اي اغنية عاوزها وانا هكون موجود باذن الله
بجد اغنية روعة

solitary girl
first hello every one my name is layla second great choose
mostafa madyan
مشكور لكل اللي ردوا وانا اتمني ما ينقطع ها الردود يا رب انتوا نورتوني

اسم العضو:
سؤال عشوائي يجب الاجابة عليه


رابط دائم

مواضيع مشابهة:
كلمات أغنية real love لـــــــــــــــــــــ massari
اغنية real love لــ massari
كلمات اغنية When you tell me that you love me

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