The discovery of the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma

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Scientists have discovered the University College in the United Kingdom the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma or cataracts where shown that proteins (beta-amyloid), which leads to the accumulation of brain injury Alzheimer's disease also lead to damage and death of nerve cells, retina.
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And scientists have used a new technique called (Detection of Apoptosing Retinal Cells) to detect neuronal damage the retina.

And scientists say that this discovery does not mean that the incidence of Alzheimer's disease lead to infection Paljlokuma because the causes of glaucoma are different from the causes of Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists also discovered that the new drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and that target and prevent the accumulation of proteins (beta-amyloid), such as real estate (Bapineuzumab), which is currently being tested can be used for the treatment of glaucoma.

And scientists say that this discovery will lead to the development of new ways to treat glaucoma also lead to the development of new ways to treat Alzheimer's disease.

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