Relationship marketing

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Relationship marketing
Have you ever seen a women propose? I know it rare. Men to do the proposal. Men before proposing to do a lot of hard work to make women feel special. When women know that yes, this man really cares for me, she makes the next step to say yes and allow it to be really close to her.

Provides an acceptable expression of this to something, men are the marketing people and women are the customers. However, the client will say yes and be loyal to the brand only when they feel that the brand cares about them.
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Men do a lot of things to make women feel special. If it is not true to himself that he can not be true for a woman. , And when the women is holding you easily.
Similarly, marketers and also do a lot of things for customers to make them feel special, and if were not being true in this whole process and not worth the effort.

Just think of the customers are women, they tend to be care, pampered, and I also love spoil't (in a nice way). If you do not know how to take care of your lady who did not, then its hard to take care of customers.

Always remember that women have a lot of mood swings, and likewise customers also tend to change mentalities, but also remember during these times if ur man enough to stay with your wives and they will reward you with love and affection additional. The same applies to customers as well.

Post by: Published : +2 GMT


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