Sacrifice in the world of plants

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Scientists have proved the existence of competition, cooperation and sacrifice, even in the world of plants, what about us humans ?!........
Scientists look to plants as creatures of "stupid" and is discreet and has no feeling or discrimination or knowledge. But the new study says that the plants can distinguish between siblings and strangers! When planted two different types of plants in an area, you find that each type is trying to dominate the region and find the competition between them is clear.
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

The scientists observed that the plant in case of competition trying to extend its roots to hijack the largest amount of food in the soil. But when planted two plants are identical, each of them takes into account the feeling of the other!! We find that every plant lends itself to "brother" to be able to lunch.

Here, we talk about justice and injustice! Plants to be fair sometimes be unfair, "infringe" on the other food in some cases.

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