Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (symptoms, signs)

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This article is to discuss the clinical picture of T.B ( manifestations | symptoms and signs ) .
TB is usually classified as pulmonary or extrapulmonary. In absence of HIV infection, it involves the lungs only in > 80% of cases. In presence of HIV, up to 2/3 of patientswith TB have either extrapulmonary disease alone or both pulmonary and extrapulmonary disease.
I- Clinical picture of Primary complex

(it is often seen in children)
In most cases the primary infection produces no symptoms or signs. Fever, dry cough may occur for 1-2 weeks so, the condition usually passed unnoticed unless the following investigations are done. :
Chest x-ray
تابع نجوم مصرية على أخبار جوجل

Tuberculin test
shows conversion from -ve to +ve
clinical disease results from the development of hypersensitivity or progression of the primary complex.

(A) Hypersensitivity: to tubercle bacilli may occur leading to:

a- Erythema nodosum * Bluish red nodule
* Raised
* Tender
* Cutaneous on the skin of tibia
* Tuberculin test is strongly + ve
b- Pleural effusion===> exudative reaction (Hypersensitivity)
c- Phylectinular conjunctivitis.

(B) Progression of primary pulmonary tuberculosis :

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